WaterWatch About

WaterWatch of Oregon

Protecting and restoring natural streamflows in Oregon rivers since 1985.

Make a Difference

Make a Difference

Protecting Oregon’s rivers for future generations.

Make a Difference

An Evening with Daniel Coe

At the Downtown Portland Filson Store

Water News

WaterWatch In the News

See Our Work Featured in the Press

Conservation Victories

Conservation Victories

Our Work Year by Year


WaterWatch Programs Around Oregon

Working in Every Corner of the State

New Willamette ISWRs

Support South Willamette Instream Flows

Affects Dozens of South Willamette River Tributaries

Amended Groundwater Rules

Oregon Adopts New Groundwater Rules

Auction Photos

Annual Auction Photos

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Submit Your Comments Now

Instream water right applications to legally protect flows in the southern Willamette River basin are being considered now! Submit your comments by Thursday, Jan. 16th.

Forty Years of WaterWatch

As we begin our 40th year we’re focused on the challenges before us as the Oregon legislative session is set to begin, and pushing for the approval of new instream water rights.

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Our work

Sound Water Policy
Healthy Rivers
Native Fish
Responsible Growth
River Recreation

Rivers Need Water

Without WaterWatch, many of Oregon’s rivers and streams would run dry.

In almost every river basin in the state, there are simply too many water rights and not enough water to go around — especially in key dry months during the late summer into fall. And even now, in the 21st century, it can be perfectly legal in Oregon to drain our rivers until they are bone dry.

That’s what WaterWatch of Oregon works to prevent. For nearly 40 years, WaterWatch has protected and restored water to Oregon’s rivers, streams, and lakes for fish, wildlife, and people.

Our work isn’t glamorous. It can be difficult. We keep regulators accountable. We speak for the public interest. We pass balanced water legislation, and when necessary — we go to court. Our goal is to ensure a legacy of healthy rivers in Oregon.

There are dozens of interests working to take more and more water from Oregon’s streams and rivers. So if clean, abundant water is important to you, join WaterWatch today to ensure there is enough water in our rivers for that fish, wildlife, and people who depend on healthy rivers. Our quality of life depends on it.

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