We have an urgent matter that needs your attention NOW.
Please speak up in opposition to HB 3501, a terrible bill that would prohibit the state from considering public interest values, including effects on fish, wildlife, and water quality, when evaluating applications to change existing water rights in a process called a “transfer.”
While other states across the West have adopted standards of review to protect the public interest and/or the environment in water right transfers, Oregon has lagged behind. Fortunately, there are two bills in front of the Oregon Senate now — SB 427 and SB 1153 — that would close this loophole and direct the state to look at the effect of proposed transfers on public values, including streamflows.
HB 3501, on the other hand, would solidify in statute that the state is barred from considering the public interest when reviewing water right transfers.
This means the state agency charged with managing our state’s waters would be prohibited from considering whether effects of transfers would impair the public interest, including effects on fish and wildlife, water quality, cultures, public health, and economies.
HB 3501 would also increase the cost for most non-applicants to challenge agency decisions on transfers tenfold, from $950 to $10,000, which would chill public participation in the state’s decisions regarding our public waters.
PLEASE ACT NOW! A public hearing will be held on HB 3501 this Monday, March 10th, at 8 a.m. While the hearing on HB 3051 is this Monday, Oregon permits written testimony to be submitted up to 48 hours after the start of a hearing, so you have until Wednesday, March 12, at 8 a.m. to submit your remarks. Nevertheless, if you want your comments to be considered in time for the hearing on Monday, you need to submit your comments NOW.
Please help us defeat this bad bill by submitting testimony in opposition of HB 3501 TODAY!
Here’s How:
- Go to the Oregon legislature written testimony submission form.
- Fill out your information, including your name, email, and address.
- Either skip the “on behalf of” option or put an identifying title (e.g river enthusiast, business owner, rafter, angler, farmer, public, etc.).
- Select “OPPOSE this bill” (it’s the second option).
- Upload your testimony or paste it into the text box.
- Click “submit testimony” on the bottom left corner, and you’re done!
Tips for testimony: Keep it simple and clear make sure to state you OPPOSE HB 3501! You may also want to add personal statements about why rivers are important to you and your family.
Sample Testimony (feel free to copy and paste):
Dear Co-Chairs Helm and Owens,
I am writing in opposition to HB 3501.
Oregon should be doing more to protect the public interest in water right transfer decisions, not barring the state from considering impacts to fish and wildlife, water quality, and other public values.
I urge you to oppose HB 3501!
(your name)
Remember, the deadline to submit your comments is this Wednesday, March 12th, by 8 a.m. But if you want your remarks considered in time for the hearing on HB 3051, have them submitted by Monday, March 10th, at 8 a.m. Act now and please get your comments submitted.
Your support this legislative session has already been invaluable, so thank you for speaking out against HB 3501, thank you for your support Oregon’s rivers. Remember, the deadline to submit your comments is this Wednesday, March 12th by 8 a.m. — but if you want them considered in time for the hearing on HB 3051, have your remarks submitted by Monday, March 10th, at 8 a.m.
Thank you!
Banner photo by Tommy Hough.