River Recreation
Whether for kayaking, fishing, bird watching, hiking, picnicking, rafting, or just throwing a stick for a dog – people are drawn to Oregon’s rivers and streams. To continue to enjoy the many recreation opportunities that our rivers provide, we must take care of them.
World Class Rivers Need Water
Every region of Oregon holds a world-class river and many beloved streams. Healthy rivers and streams inspire a growing number of river enthusiasts and, in turn, support local economies. Central to caring for our rivers is ensuring that enough water is left in them to support fish, wildlife, and recreation. We must also remain vigilant in efforts to protect and restore our rivers.

Reducing Impacts
During certain months, so much water is diverted from some rivers that they lack sufficient water for fish, wildlife, or boating. Across Oregon, more water rights are applied for each week. WaterWatch’s is focused on protecting and restoring streamflows for fish, wildlife, and people who depend on healthy rivers.
Dams cause serious problems on many Oregon rivers. These include blocking fish and boat passage, and diverting and altering river flows for power generation. WaterWatch works with other stakeholders to reduce the impact of dams on river flows, and, when appropriate, secure dam removal.
Related Programs
Rogue Basin
WaterWatch has worked for decades to remove dams and improve flows to benefit the Rogue’s fish populations while enhancing fishing, boating, recreation, and the region’s way of life.
Deschutes Basin
WaterWatch has been involved in many historic accomplishments in the Deschutes Basin over the past three decades, and continues to be a leader in improving water management and river health across the region.
Government Watch-Dogging
WaterWatch monitors all of the individual water allocation decisions across Oregon for compliance with the law and potential negative effects on our rivers.