waterwatch MEMBERship

It’s easy to become a member and support the important work of WaterWatch.
As a nonprofit focused on preserving healthy rivers and water flows in Oregon, the 1987 Instream Water Rights Act — drafted by WaterWatch of Oregon — remains a critical tool in ensuring enough water in Oregon’s rivers for native fish and wildlife, ecosystems, and communities.
As we detail in our annual Accomplishments reports, now complemented by an expanded edition online, WaterWatch continues to serve as a watchdog for Oregon’s creeks and rivers, from the ongoing removal of long-derelict dams, groundwater allocation, enforcement progress on Winchester Dam, collaborative restoration of Lake Abert, and legal successes from the Crooked River to Drift Creek. And while climate change, outdated water management laws and policies, and ill-conceived water development projects threaten Oregon rivers, your ongoing support enables us to continue fighting for our state’s waterways.
Consider WaterWatch’s most recent year of accomplishments, and invest in preserving Oregon’s waters today. Make a secure online donation today.
As a member you will:
- Be a part of the only conservation group devoted exclusively to restoring healthy flows to Oregon’s rivers and streams
- Stay informed with our newsletter, Instream, published three times a year
- Keep up-to-date on issues affecting Oregon’s rivers and streams by joining our free email listserv, River Action