Healthy Rivers
Healthy rivers need adequate amounts of water to provide clean water for fish, recreation, wildlife, and future generations
Healthy Rivers Need Water
Oregon’s world-class rivers define our state. They provide refuge from the daily grind, unparalleled fishing and birdwatching opporunities, diverse boating activities, and a chance to stay connected to the natural world. Oregon’s rivers also support magnificent fish populations, including prized salmon, trout, and steelhead runs.
Sustaining our many connections to our rivers requires safegaurding river health. River health depends on protecting adequate flows in our rivers to provide for clean water, recreation, and abundant fish and wildlife for today and for future generations.

Streamflow performs essential functions in rivers, including:
- Providing life-cycle needs for fish and other aquatic organisms, such as spawning and rearing
- Maintaining healthy riparian areas
- Creating and maintaining important in-river habitat such as pools
- Flushing sediment and pollutants out
Deschutes Basin
WaterWatch has been involved in many historic accomplishments in the Deschutes Basin over the past three decades, and continues to be a leader in improving water management and river health across the region.
To restore the Everglades of the West, WaterWatch advocates to bring the demand for water back into balance with what nature can provide for the fish, wildlife, and people who depend on the Klamath Basin’s resources.
Rogue Basin
WaterWatch has worked for decades to remove dams and improve flows to benefit the Rogue’s fish populations while enhancing fishing, boating, recreation, and the region’s way of life.