Investigation Will Determine If Klamath Irrigators’ Group Misused Federal Funds

Investigation Will Determine If Klamath Irrigators’ Group Misused Federal Funds
by Jes Burns

July 2, 2015

Chinook salmon photo courtesy USFWS.

Chinook salmon photo courtesy USFWS.

A government whistleblower protection office has authorized an investigation into alleged misuse of federal funds by a Klamath Basin irrigators’ group.

Earlier this spring, two federal biologists filed a whistleblower complaint with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel. They said the Klamath Water and Power Agency used money earmarked for drought-stressed fish to pay for things like office space, travel and employee salaries.

Since 2008, nearly $50 million in federal dollars has been paid to the Klamath organization.

The Interior Department is now charged with conducting an investigation. The results are due later this summer.