Oregon Seeks Public Comment on Large-Scale Farming Regulations

By Mason Kennedy  |  July 15, 2024  |  Public News Service

Oregonians have until July 22 to submit comments on the implementation of new environmental restrictions for the state’s largest farms.

When the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 85 last year, regulations were signed into law for Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). Now, the Oregon Department of Agriculture is working to implement them.

Brian Posewitz, staff attorney for the group WaterWatch of Oregon, said the new rules will help protect one of Oregon’s most important natural resources.

“All Oregonians should care about that, because all Oregonians should care about our water supplies, both in the streams and rivers as well as in the groundwater,” Posewitz emphasized. “Because those water supplies are precious to everybody.”

The regulations mean more closely monitoring the amount of water used by the large farms and considering the placement of the operations to reduce nitrate contamination in groundwater caused by manure. The move to protect Oregon’s water supply coincides with an increase in demand for water as the state reenters its wildfire season.

As important as Oregon’s water is, regulations often come with a price tag. Large agriculture operations could be more limited in their site selection, disposal of waste and use of water. The Oregon Farm Bureau predicted tougher rules will affect people’s trips to the grocery store.

Lauren Poor, vice president of government and legal affairs for the bureau, thinks the new rules will make it harder to buy local, and wonders if the changes are justified.

“There wasn’t a clear indication that there needed to be changes to this program to protect Oregon’s waterways or Oregon’s water supply,” Poor contended.

According to Poor, the previous regulations were working, and continuously changing them can be difficult for producers. The deadline is July 22 to submit public comments to the Oregon Department of Agriculture before the regulations are finalized the end of this summer.

This article originally appeared on the Public News Service wire on July 15, 2024.