Submit Testimony on an Important Bill for Oregon Streams

In February we urged you to speak in support of SB 427, a bill that would safeguard streamflows in water right transfers, and you came through.

This month we asked for your support for SB 1153, a similar bill that would ensure fish and water quality are not harmed in water right transfers. And once again, you came through — thank you.

The Problem SB 1153 Seeks to Fix
Under current Oregon law, the state can approve water right transfers without considering impacts to streamflows and the fish and water quality they support.

Senate Bill 1153 will close this harmful regulatory loophole in Oregon’s water transfer laws that allow old water rights to serve new uses, move to new diversion points, or change the place of use without any environmental review, effectively nullifying Oregon’s ability to protect instream values on hundreds of streams across the state.

Now is the time — in this legislative session — to close this dangerous loophole and keep our rivers from further harm by supporting SB 1153.

Please Support SB 1153
The bill would require the state to ensure fish and water quality are not harmed when reviewing proposed water right changes. The testimony you provided in support of SB 1153 ahead of its hearing before the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Wildfire on March 25th was a big help, and the epitome of the kind of supportive response we’re fortunate to have from river advocates like you.

SB 1153 would essentially solve the same problem as SB 427, a similar bill brought by the Oregon Water Partnership (OWP) that WaterWatch of Oregon is a member of, which similarly saw over 300 supportive testimonies submitted by enthusiastic Oregonians.

While we’ve now passed the deadline for written testimony to the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Wildfire, you can still connect with your Oregon senator to let them know you and your family support both SB 1153 and SB 427.

Tips for Testimony
Keep your testimony simple and clear, and make sure you clearly state that you support SB 1153. You may also want to add personal statements about why rivers are important to you and family.

Suggested Messaging
While you’re welcome to copy and paste the message below, consider enhancing it with your personal experiences about the value of healthy streams. Adding relatable “customization” strengthens your message and makes it more relatable.

Sample Testimony (feel free to copy and paste)

Dear Senator ___________,

I support Senate Bill 1153.

For far too long, an outdated loophole in Oregon law has allowed the Oregon Water Resources Department to approve applications for water right transfers without adequate consideration of whether the change will harm fish and wildlife or water quality. 

Senate Bill 1153 ensures that fish and wildlife and water quality will be protected in water right transfers. This fix closes a dangerous loophole and brings modern environmental values into Oregon’s outdated water right transfer review process.

I urge you to support SB 1153.


(your name)

Thank you for your time, and thank you for supporting Oregon’s rivers by speaking up for SB 1153!

Banner photo of the Molalla River courtesy of Bob Wick / BLM.