WaterWatch of Oregon Takes Stand Against HB 3501

By Samantha Kadera  |  March 11, 2025  |  KDRV News

WaterWatch of Oregon is urging residents to oppose House Bill 3501, a bill that would prevent the state from considering the public interest, such as the impacts to fish, wildlife, and water quality, when reviewing water right transfers.

The bill would weaken protections for Oregon’s rivers and streams, and increase the cost of challenging these decisions from $950 to $10,000 — effectively shutting out public participation.

We spoke with WaterWatch’s senior policy analyst, who said “By barring the state from considering the impacts of water right transfers on public values — like fish, wildlife, and water quality — this bill will allow continued harm to Oregon’s already degraded streams.”

This package originally aired on KDRV NewsWatch 12 on March 11, 2025.