
WaterWatch works in the legislature, the courts, with state and federal agencies, and in the media to support sound water policies and protect natural streamflows in Oregon’s rivers.

Klamath Basin

To restore the Everglades of the West, WaterWatch advocates to bring the demand for water back into balance with what nature can provide for the fish, wildlife, and people who depend on the Klamath Basin’s resources.

Rogue Basin

WaterWatch has worked for decades to remove dams and improve flows to benefit the Rogue Basin’s fish populations while enhancing fishing, boating, recreation, and the region’s way of life.

Deschutes Basin

WaterWatch has been involved in many historic accomplishments in the Deschutes Basin over the past three decades, and continues to be a leader in improving water management and river health across the region.

Umpqua Basin

On the North Umpqua River, WaterWatch is leading a coalition of over 20 local and statewide groups working to end the harm caused by Winchester Dam, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s second highest priority for fish passage improvement among all privately owned dams in the state.

Advocating for Reform

WaterWatch advocates before the state legislature, relevant agencies and commissions, and the governor’s office in support of healthy rivers and for reforms to the antiquated laws and policies degrading our waterways.

Government Watch-dogging

WaterWatch is the only group monitoring all of the individual water allocation decisions across Oregon for compliance with the law and potential negative effects on our rivers and streams.

Growth & Climate Change

WaterWatch works to minimize the impacts of growth and climate change on Oregon’s rivers by promoting water conservation, improving water management, and ground-truthing claims used to support new water storage projects and increased water use.


WaterWatch advocates across Oregon in administrative, collaborative, legislative, and legal forums to secure sustainable groundwater management. 

Lake Abert

A natural jewel in peril. WaterWatch has been working for many years to bring much needed attention and action to conserve this internationally siginificant lake.