Governor Kitzhaber

Columbia River-Umatilla Solutions Taskforce announcement

Statement by Kimberley Priestley, WaterWatch of Oregon’s Senior Policy Analyst, on the February 15, 2013 Columbia River-Umatilla Solutions Taskforce (CRUST) announcement: “Today’s agreement offers a menu of balanced potential solutions that will provide additional water to Umatilla farmers without harming flows needed for struggling salmon and steelhead runs or – importantly – without undermining river […]

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Senators Merkley and Wyden and Governor Kitzhaber Announce Crooked River Water Agreement

“This legislation provides significant improvements for fish and river habitat in the beloved Crooked River, and we are very happy that our Senators provided the leadership to strike a balance between many interests,” said Kimberley Priestley, Senior Policy Analyst for WaterWatch of Oregon. “We look forward to working with all those involved to ensure that

Senators Merkley and Wyden and Governor Kitzhaber Announce Crooked River Water Agreement Read More »