Dec. 11, 2023
There is so much to be thankful for this holiday season.
At WaterWatch, we are grateful to supporters like you who make it possible for WaterWatch to protect and restore Oregon’s rivers, lakes, fish, wildlife, and people. This year was a landmark year for WaterWatch, and our expanded online 2023 accomplishments report showcases the impacts you have made possible. From advancing instream water rights to removing obsolete barriers to fish passage and preventing new dams from being built, your support allows us to give a voice to rivers across the state.
Your appreciation and understanding of the importance of healthy rivers and smart, equitable, climate-resilient water policies to Oregon’s quality of life and economy makes a huge difference. None of WaterWatch’s successes this year would have been possible without you. You are the common thread in our victories for Oregon’s waters!
Now, more than ever, we need your support to prevent our rivers from being degraded and dewatered. We all want to leave a legacy of healthy Oregon rivers for fish and wildlife, and for our children and grandchildren. Your gift can go a long way toward ensuring we reach that goal.
Caring about our rivers is important, but it is not enough by itself. Powerful political and moneyed interests will dam, drain, and divert our rivers to a trickle if we don’t continue to stand together and demand healthy rivers for Oregon.
For over 38 years, WaterWatch has stood with you to protect and restore the rivers and streams you care about most. Despite recent, often remarkable successes, serious threats remain. Climate change, outdated water laws and policies, and ill-conceived water development projects all threaten the rivers we love in Oregon.
Invest in your rivers and Oregon’s waters today by making a special year-end gift to WaterWatch. In doing so, you’ll leave a legacy of healthy rivers, lakes and wetlands with enough water to support fish, wildlife, people and Oregon’s quality of life.
Thank you for your continued support, and happy holidays to you and yours.
For rivers,
Neil Brandt