Holiday Wishes from WaterWatch of Oregon

Dec. 24, 2023

We’d like to wish you, your family, friends, and those close to you the happiest of holidays from WaterWatch of Oregon, and express our gratitude for your support of our work, and the preservation of Oregon’s rivers, creeks, wetlands, and waterways in what has been a landmark year for our organization.

After all, Oregon’s rivers serve more than just a utilitarian need — they hold special places in our hearts and lives as sanctuaries of peace, sources of inspiration, and gateways to adventure. Thanks to you, our magnificent waterways continue to inspire and connect Oregonians from all walks of life.

As executive director Neil Brandt wrote earlier this month, “Your appreciation and understanding of the importance of healthy rivers and smart, equitable, climate-resilient water policies to Oregon’s quality of life and economy makes a huge difference. None of WaterWatch’s successes this year would have been possible without you. You are the common thread in our victories for Oregon’s waters.”

Where and when possible given our wintertime weather, we hope you can make time to safely enjoy the natural beauty of our state with a hike along a river trail or a visit to a special place to breathe the crisp winter air, and find solace in the presence and serenity of our state’s waterways.

Thank you for your continued support, and the happiest of holidays to you.